Augustikuus sai veel mõningaid uusi asju soetatud, kuid postitus ise lükkus muudkui edasi, sest mul ei olnud aega lihtsalt pilte teha. Nii, et siin see nüüd on, kuid ma ei imesta, kui ma nii mõnedki asja ära unustasin.
Last month I bought some new thing, but the post about those coming so late. I just didn't have time to take these photos. I always thought that later I will take photos and then something else came up, so here I am now. And there might be chance that I forgot something.
Mõlemad on pärit Reservedist. Sinine kampsun maksis 9.99€ ja selle pluusi sain kõigest 1.99€ eest.
Both are from Reserved. Blue sweater cost 9.99€ and this blouse cost only 1.99€.
Need ägedad sõjaväe mustriga teksad leidsin Lindexist vaid 13 € eest ja kaelakee, mida olen juba seal tükk aega silmanud, maksis 3.89 €.
These awesome military pattern jeans I found from Lindex and paid only 13 € for these. And this necklace caught my eye while ago, so now it cost 3.89€, so I decided to buy it too.
See pluus pärineb New Yorkerist ja maksis see 2.95€.
This blouse I bought from New Yorker and it cost 2.95€.
Olin pikka aega uue koti otsingul ja no kuskilt ei leidnud midagi sobilikku. Küll oli liiha väike, siis oli jälle hind liiga kallis, siis ei meeldinud mingi detail, nii et sada häda. Lõpuks leidsin selle iluduse New Yorkerist ja hinnaks oli sel 22.95€.
I had been looking for new handbag for a while and I didn't found anything. One was too little, then another one was too expensive, then I didn't like some details, so there were hundreds of reasons why not to buy. So finally I found this beauty from New Yorker and it cost 22.95€.
Oi kui kaua ma olen omale tahtnud jämedast ketist käeketti ja lõpuks ma leidsin ühe Rüütli tänavalt 0,95 € eest.
I have been wanting bracelet of thick chain for a long time and finally I found one from Rüütli street and paid only 0,95 for that.
Expressionsist, kõrvarõngad maksid 2.50 € ja sõrmus 3€.
From expressions, earrings cost 2.50 € and ring 3€.
Lõpuks ostsi ka mina Maybelline Rocket ripsmetušši ära ja siis tuli minuga kaasa ka juba üks Polka Dots küünelakk. Wild & Mild küünelakid pärinevad Seppäläst ja Rimist, kashjuks nende asjade hindasid ma ei mäleta.
So finally I bought Maybellinne Rocket mascara and then one Polka Dots nail polish came come with me. Wild & Mild nail polishes are from Seppälä and Rimi, but I don't remember any of these things price.
Samuti sai ka nii mõnedaki uued jalatsid ostetud, need balleriinad ma ostsin Italyna King poest ja hinnaks oli neil 15.90 €
Also I bought some new shoes. These flat shoes are from Italyna King and these cost 15.90 €.
Tennised pärinevad samuti Italyna Kingast ja maksid need 10.90 €
These sneakers are also from Italyna king and I paid 10.90€ for these.
Ja need kingad ostsin ma Linka Storest ja maksid nad 9.99€
And these shoes I bought from Linka Store and these cost 9.99€