Book of the month: Pivot Point
See kuu tutvustan teile raamatut nimega ''Pivot Point'', mille on kirjutanud Kasie West. See on samuti seda sorti raamat, mis mul jäi lihtsalt juhuslikult raamatupoes näppu ja ostsin ära. Ja jällegi ei pidanud oma ostus pettuma. Raamatul ka veel teine osa ''Split Second''.
This month I will write about ''Pivot Point'' by Kasie West. And again this book is that kind which I accidentally noticed in book store and since it seemed interesting I bought it. Also it has second book called ''Split Second''.
Raamat räägib tüdrukust nimega Addie, kellel on võime näha tuleviku, alati, kui ta seisab mingi valiku ees. Kuid Addie ei ole ainuke, kellel on võimed. Nimelt elab Addie eraldatud linnakeses, kus kõigil on mingit sorti võimeid - Addie parim sõber saab mälestusi kustutada, jalkatiim saab asju oma vaimsete võimetega liigutada, mõned saavad emotsioonie kontrollida, mõned ravida....
Kuid nüüd kui ta vanemad on lahutamas, seisab Addie silmitsi valikuga, kas jääda emaga või minna isaga, kes on otsustanud tavamaailma kolida. Nii ta kasutabki oma üleloomulikke võimeid, nähes, mis teda kummagi valiku puhul ees ootab. Kas valida parim sõber või armastus?
Book is about girl name Addie, who has supernatural powers. She is a Searcher, which means she can see future every time she faces with a choice. But Addie isn't only one with powers. She lives in compound, which is hidden from the real world, because almost everyone in there have some kind of gift. Her best friend can erase memories, football team members can move things with their mind, some people can control mood, some can heal....
But now Addie's parents going to get divorced and she has to decide does she stay with her mom or goes with her dad, who will leave the compound and starts living among normal people. So Addie decides to use her power to find out which future she will choose. Does she choose love or her best friend?
Kuid nüüd kui ta vanemad on lahutamas, seisab Addie silmitsi valikuga, kas jääda emaga või minna isaga, kes on otsustanud tavamaailma kolida. Nii ta kasutabki oma üleloomulikke võimeid, nähes, mis teda kummagi valiku puhul ees ootab. Kas valida parim sõber või armastus?
Book is about girl name Addie, who has supernatural powers. She is a Searcher, which means she can see future every time she faces with a choice. But Addie isn't only one with powers. She lives in compound, which is hidden from the real world, because almost everyone in there have some kind of gift. Her best friend can erase memories, football team members can move things with their mind, some people can control mood, some can heal....
But now Addie's parents going to get divorced and she has to decide does she stay with her mom or goes with her dad, who will leave the compound and starts living among normal people. So Addie decides to use her power to find out which future she will choose. Does she choose love or her best friend?
Mulle väga meeldis see raamat ja sisimas loodan, et ehk on tulevikus ka kolmas osa tulemas. Peaaegu terve raamat ongi kahe tuleviku vahel, millest ühe ta peab lõpus valima. Seega on raamatus üks peatükk üks elu ja teine teine ja sedasi vaheldumis raamatu lõpuni. Ehk siis raamatut lugedes tuleb meeles pidada vaid seda, et järgmine peatükk ei jätka eelmist. Mis tähendab, et seda raamatut on eriti raske käest panna, sest sa tahad lihtsalt kogu aeg teda, mis edasi saab, aga enne pead lugema veel ühe peatüki, et teada, kuidas üleeelmine jätkub. Minul sai antud raamat suhteliselt kähku läbi, sest ma lugesin seda igal võimalusel - rongis, bussis, autos, loengute vahel - kus vähegi parasjagu aega niisama istuda oli.
Ja ka teine raamatus on peatükid vaheldumisi, kuid siis Addie ja ühe teise karakteri vahel, aga siin kohal ma ei hakka mainima tegelase nime, sest vastasel juhul oleks ka esimese raamatu lõpp juba etteaimatav. Kuid teise raamatu koht võib ehk nii palju ära öelda, et ta üritab saada osakese sellest elust, mida ta ei valinud.
I really really loved the book and I really do hope that some day there will be third book as well. Almost whole book is about her future lives and in the end she will choose one. So in the book one chapter is one life, next one the second, then first one again and then second one again. And that way it goes until the end of the book. It was weird to read it like that in the first place, but then it just keep you reading. Because if you will finish one chapter you have to read another one about other life first and then you can read about other again and if it gets very interesting you just read and read. I finished book really quickly since I read it everywhere, where I had time to just sit - in train, in bus, in car, between lectures.
And the second book is between two characters, one chapter is about Addie, and another is about someone else, I won't tell you the name, because it will give away the end of the first book. In the ''Split Second'' Addie will try to get piece of the future she didn't choose.
Ja ka teine raamatus on peatükid vaheldumisi, kuid siis Addie ja ühe teise karakteri vahel, aga siin kohal ma ei hakka mainima tegelase nime, sest vastasel juhul oleks ka esimese raamatu lõpp juba etteaimatav. Kuid teise raamatu koht võib ehk nii palju ära öelda, et ta üritab saada osakese sellest elust, mida ta ei valinud.
I really really loved the book and I really do hope that some day there will be third book as well. Almost whole book is about her future lives and in the end she will choose one. So in the book one chapter is one life, next one the second, then first one again and then second one again. And that way it goes until the end of the book. It was weird to read it like that in the first place, but then it just keep you reading. Because if you will finish one chapter you have to read another one about other life first and then you can read about other again and if it gets very interesting you just read and read. I finished book really quickly since I read it everywhere, where I had time to just sit - in train, in bus, in car, between lectures.
And the second book is between two characters, one chapter is about Addie, and another is about someone else, I won't tell you the name, because it will give away the end of the first book. In the ''Split Second'' Addie will try to get piece of the future she didn't choose.