

James Arthur @ Factory

Võib vist öelda, et see suvi on igati korda läinud. Esiteks juba suurepäraste ilmade tõttu ning lisaks sai teisipäeval James Arthuri kontserdil käidud. Mis oli lihtsalt parim, ausalt öeldes on seda raske isegi sõnadesse panna, sest tõelise elamuse saamiseks peab ikka ise kohal olema. Super, super, kontsert oli igati oma raha väärt. Kuigi kogu ruum oli umbselt palav ja õhku polnud, siis mingi hetke ununes see täiesti ära, sest kontser oli tõesti nauditav. Ja pildid on tehtud telefoniga, seega kvaliteet annab väheke soovida. 

I can say that this summer have been perfect. Starting with amazing weather and also on Tuesday I went to James Arthur concert, which was amazing. It's hard to describe it with words, because you to get the real feeling of it, you have to see and hear it yourself. But, it was so amazing and was definitely worth it's price. Even though the club was pretty hot, I mean there weren't much of fresh air, but I even forgot this fact for a while because I was really enjoining the concert. And photos are taken with phone, so the quality isn't best.

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