Artistry peitepulk
Minu jaoks on suhteliselt üllatav näha, et peitepulki on ka mitmes toonis olemas. Tavaliselt on nad kõik ühes toonis ja minu jaoks alati kas liiga oranzikad või tumedad. Või pole lihtsalt õigeid otsida osanud? Vot ei oska öeldagi, aga üllatus oli minu jaoks küll suur, kui avastasin oma uue Artistry peitepulga alt kirja "Light" ja eks ma siis huvi pärast uurisin, kas on siis teisi toone ka olemas ja täitsa ongi tumedam variant ka. Nii, et siit kogus peitepulk omale juba esimesed plusspunktid.
I was kind of suprised when I noticed word Light under my new Artistry Conclear. I'm just so used to that conclears are in one tone and whether too orange or dark for my skin tone. Maybe I haven't been looking for right ones? Then I went to they're webpage to check out if they really have some other tones as well and yes they have darker one too. So here came first plus point for this conclear.
I was kind of suprised when I noticed word Light under my new Artistry Conclear. I'm just so used to that conclears are in one tone and whether too orange or dark for my skin tone. Maybe I haven't been looking for right ones? Then I went to they're webpage to check out if they really have some other tones as well and yes they have darker one too. So here came first plus point for this conclear.
Oh seda rõõmu, kui sain peitepulka ilma jumestuskreemita kanda, ilma, et miskit märgatav laigud näo peal oleks. Lisaks jumestuskreemiga jätab eriti hea tulemuse. Muidugi oleneb ka jumestuskreemist, minul on juba pikemat aega kasutuses Maybellinne Dream Satin Liquid toonis Ivory ning koos Artistry peitepulgaga saan küllaltki ühtlase tulemuse. Kuigi ma oleks õnnelik, kui üldse mingit möksi näkku toppima ei peaks nagu kevad-suvisel hooajal. Aga parkau tahab sügishooajal ikka näonahk natuke käest minna, sest solaariume ma ei poolda ja ühtlast jume näole ilma päikeseta just ei saa.
And now imagine how happy I was that I could wear conclear without foundation, so I wouldn't have some darker spots on my face. And with foundation it leaves really good result. Of course I think it depends of what kind of foundation you use, but I'm using Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid foundation and with Artistry Conclear I get pretty smooth result. Actually I would be even more happier when I don't have to wear any kind of foundations and that kind of products like I can on spring-summer season, but like always on autumn my facial skin is going bit down. And since I'm not visiting solarium and without sun face surface isn't just so smooth anymore.
Ja ärge mu unist nägu väga tähele pange, aga vabal päeval ei ole eriti viitsimist nägu meigiga üle võõbata.
And don't mind my sleepy face, but on the free days I just don't see any point of putting make up on.
Ja ärge mu unist nägu väga tähele pange, aga vabal päeval ei ole eriti viitsimist nägu meigiga üle võõbata.
And don't mind my sleepy face, but on the free days I just don't see any point of putting make up on.