

New In - clothes, make up, jewelry

Enne lõpetamist sai omale ka mõnigaid uusi asju soetatud. Tegelikult enamust neist polnudki nii väga vaja, kuid ei suutnud neid ka kuidagi ostamat jätta, eriti kui veel nii head soodustused on.

Before graduation I made some shopping. Actually I didn't need most of these things, but I couldn't  just couldn't leave these to shop, especially when prices were really good.
 Kuigi tellisin omale Oriflamest jumestuskreemi, siis täpselt enne lõpetamist sai siiski mu eelmine otsa, nii et pidin ikkagi poest ka ostma. Rimis oli sellel soodukas, nii et sain selle 4.65€ eest. Otsustasin ka lõpuks kulmupliiatsi ära osta. Iseasi kui tihti ma seda kasutama hakkan, sest nägin tumedamate kulmudega endale kuidagi väga võõra välja. Ostetud on see Ideaal Kosmeetikast ja makis 4€.

I ordered new foundation from Oriflame, but before my graduation old one got so empty that nothing didn't came out anymore, so I had to buy one from shop too. And it was on sale, so I got this from Rimi and it cost 4.65 €. Then I decided to by an eyebrow pencil. But I'm not sure that I'm going to use it that often, because I don't like the way I look wit darker eyebrows. I bought this from Ideaal Kosmeetika and it cost 4€.
Seppälä  - 8.06 €
 Ma olen nii kaua omale otsinud looma pildiga pluusi, eriti hundi või tiigriga. Selle leidsin ma New Yorkerist. Kusjuures see oli viimane ja täpselt minu suurus ing maksis ainult 4.95€.

I have been looking blouse with animal picture for so long. The most I wanted one with wolf or tiger. So I was so lucky when I found it from New Yorker, because it was last one and itwas exactly my size and I paid only 4.95€ for that.

 Nende ostmine ei olnud mul üldse kavas, kuid mul läks linnas kingad katki nii, et need püsisid vaevu jalas, nii et pidin kiiresti midagi uut jalga leidam. Need on samuti pärit New Yorkerist ja maksid need 9.95 €

I had no plan to buy these, but when I was in city my shoes broke, so they didn't stay on, so quickly I needed something new to wear. These I also found from New Yorker and these cost 9,95€.
 Need sai ostetud lõpetamiseks, mida ma siiski lõpuks ei kandnud. Ostetud Seppäläst ja maksid 2€

The I bought for my graduation, but I didn't wore those. I bought these from Seppälä and these cost 2€.
 Praeguste soojade ilmadega pole kampsun just kõige mõtekam ost, kuid ma olen pikka aega mõnda neoonset kampsunit thatnud, nii et minuga see kaasa ka tuli. Samuti pärit New Yorkerist ja hinnaks oli 6.95€

Right now with these really warm weathers sweater isn't necessary thing to buy, but I have been wanting sweater with neon tone, so it came home with me. It's also from New Yorker and it cost 6.95 €
 Selle ideaalse õhukese jope jahedateks suveõhtuteks leidsin New Yorkerist ning maksis see 9.95€

This jacket for cool summer nights I found from New Yorker and it cost 9.95€
 Rüütli tänavalt/From Rüütli street  - 0.95 €
Sain seda katsetada paaril korral ja see on tõsiselt hea shampoon, nii et pidin ikka endale ka selle ostma. Ostsin selle Selverist ja hinnaks oli 3.20€

I had a chance to try it couple of times and it's really really good, so I bought of to myself too. Bought it from Selver and it cost 3.20€

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2 kommentaari:

  1. Piltidelt on näha, et Sul on ka paar lumekuuli :) Kas need on niisama kogunenud või kogud ka sihilikult (nt reisidelt?)

    1. Neid ma olen sihilikult ostnud, väiksest saati nende suur fänn olnud :D Nüüd viimati reisil käies sai paar tükki kaasa ka toodud :)


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