

Waffles here, waffles there, waffles everywhere

Ma ei mäletagi, millal oli viimane kord, kui ma vahvleid tegin, aga igatahes paar päeva tagasi sai üle pik aaj atehtud, kuna avastasin poest Mesikäpa vahvlipulbri ja tahtsin seda kohe katsetada. Väga head kõrebad jäid. Ma küll ei tea, kas nad nii krõbedad, ka nende uute masinatega jäävad, millega ka krõbedate vahvlite tainaga saab pehmed plönnid. Igatahes vana hea veneaja masinaga jäid need küll imelised.

I even don't remember when was last time I did some waffles. But few days ago I did dome becasuse I discovered a waffles flour and of course I wanted to try it. Waffles were delicious and really crispy. I don't know if they will be crispy when you use this new waffles machines, which always leave waffles soft no matter what kind of dough you use. But with old machine from Russian-time these came out amazing. 

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