

Spring is here

Viimastel päevadel on lihtsalt nii imeline ilm olnud. Ma isegi otsisin oma tennised kapipõhjast välja, mille ma tavaliselt alles aprilli lõpus välja otsin. Me isaga veel naersime, et eelmise aasta Jaanipäev oli umbes sama soe, kui mitte külmemgi, sest siis olin ma kordades soojemalt riides, kui täna. Aga sellised ilmad on alati ideaalsed pildistamiseks ja nii ma enamus ajast õues veetnud olengi. Kuigi maale tulles teadsin, et pean siiski inglise keele suureks sõnadetööks õppima ja ka lõikeõpetuse kodutööd viimaks ära tegema, kuid kellel nende jaoks siis enam aega oli. Sellist päikesepaistet ja soojust pole meil ju ammu olnu, ega keegi siis toas passida ei taha. 

Last few days have been so warm and sunny. I even took out my sneakers today, which I usually take out in the end of April. Also  we laughed with my dad that on the last year's Midsummer  evening we kind of had the same weather, since I was dressed up even warmed than today . But this kind of weather is perfect to take pictures. And I'm really happy that these two days when I finally had some time to come home,, have been so warm and sunny. If first I had plan that I'm also going to learn for English huge vocabulary test and finish some pattern making homework, but instead of that I have spent most of the time outside. With that kind of weather you just don't want to stay inside. 

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