

365 days 50 books - 13, 14 - Books series I won't continue

Mõlemad raamatud leidsin ma kaltsukast ja mulle meeldisid nende kaanepildid, sellised mõnusad sünged, seega lootsin, ka miskit head lugeda, aga vot mulle. Ei tasu ikka raamatuid kaane järgi hinnata, mida ma vahel ikka tegema kipun. Ehk siis sain kohe kaks ühe hoobiga, mille edasi lugemise vastu mul huvi ei ole.

Both book I found from thrift store and I bought them becuase of the book covers. I like that they're so dark. So I hoped for something good, but didn't get what I expected. So don't judge the book by it's cover, but again I'm finding myself doing that. So far they are first two book series, which I don't bother continue. 

Üheks selliseks on Kelly Keatoni ''Gods & Monsters'' sarja esimene raamat ''Darkness Becomes Her''. Alguses tundus see raamat isegi hea ja paljulubav. Ari on tüdruk, kelle ema tegi enesetapu ning suure osa elust on ta ühest perest teise liikunud, kuni lõpuks ühe paari juures jäi ta paikseks. Kuid ta hakkab siiski oma sugulusidemeid otsima ja kui ta saab karbi oma ema asjadega, on talle jäetud sõnum põgeneda, kuid selle asemel otsustab ta hoopis tagasi oma sünnipaika New Orleansi sõita. Sinnani tudus raamat päris hea, vähemalt kuni hetkeni, mil ta kohtub poisiga nimega Sebastian, kellega nad juba esimesel päeval armuvad. Olgu, mis seal ikka lugesin edasi, sest tundus ju huvitav teada, mis siis lahti ikkagi on, et ta põgenema pidi. Aga siis hakkasid seal mängu tulema, vampiirid, nõiad, jumalad ja igasugu imeelukaid veel. Nii, et lõpuks oli seal minu jaoks juba liiga palju olevusi koos, et see raamat põnev tunduks. Lõpuni ma ta lugesin, aga teisi raamatud ma lugema ei torma.

 One of these are Kelly Keaton Gods & Monsters series first book Darkness Becomes Her. At first this books seemed interesting. Ari is a girl, whose mother killed herself, so from then Ari goes form one foster home to another. Until she finally stays with one. But then she gots a box with her real mother things and it includes a message to run, but instead of that she will go back to her birthplace to New Orleans. So until then the books was good, but the moment when you read that she already on her first day back fell in love with a guy named Sebastian, it kind of went down for me. But I continued, since the backstory seemed fine. But then came vampires, witches, gods and all kind of weird creatures, so in the end there were do many of them, so it didn't quite seem interesting anymore. I finished this book , but won't pick up the other ones.

Ning teiseks sellsieks raamtuks oli Amy Meredith raamat ''Shadows''. Ja nii imelik, kui mul seda ka öelda pole, siis ma olen selle raamatu jaoks lihtsalt liiga vana. Kui kekskooliealiste tegelaste tegemisi on üldiselt ikka rõõm lugeda, sest ise ju alles kaks aastat tagasi käisin ka seda teed, aga 15- aastasest, kes peaks siis põhikoolis käima oli lausa piin lugeda. Ja tegelikult kui ma oleks seda raamatut põhikooli ajal lugenud, oleks ma sellest kindlasti nii vaimustuses olnud ja mispärast ma tegelikult sellest suurt ei mäleta ka, sest enamus ajast ikka häiris mind mõte, et ta on ju nii noor. Eks ta üks väga kerge ja pealiskaudne lugemine oli. Aga mäletan sellest raamatust kõigest seda, et linna tuli uus poiss, kellega Eve suhtlema hakkas ja eks need asjad arenesid, poiss päästis ta deemonite käest, kuid lõpuks osutus ise deemoniks ,kes tahtis vaid Eve hinge. Ehk siis miskit köitvat selle juure polnud, et ma tahaks ka teisi osasid lugeda, seda enam, et lõpp oli ka justkui selline nagu polekski sellele rohkem osasid vaja, seega olin päris üllatunud, kui avastasin, et selles sarjas nii mõnigi raamat veel.

And the second book like that was Amy Meredith book 'Shadows''. And it's so weird to say that, but I think I'm too old for that book. When you read a book which includes high school characters, then it's easy to relate with them, since I graduated just two years ago, but when characters are just 15 years old, which means they're still in the basic shcool and this way it's harder to relate with them. Because they're still like children, but they're acting like grown ups and then you still remember that the main character is just 15. I don't remember much of it. But it was related with demons. Girl named Eve met new dark guy, then they started to spend some time together, then the guy saved her and then it appears that he's demon as well, and kind of the king of them. And  the endig of the book was finished for me and I even didn't assume there are more books, so I was kind of suprised that there are several more. 

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