

Palmolive ''Sweet Dreams''

Oleks vast lõpuks aeg hakata vanu võlgu klaarima. Nimelt enne jõule potsatasid mulle kätte kaks pakikest, millest ühest võis leida Palmolive tooteid. Kotis oli nende duššigeel, kehakoorja ja kätepesuvaht. Varasemalt mul antud firmaga väga kogemusi ei ole, võib-olla ehk nooremana kunagi sai mõnda toodet kasutatud, kuid kes neid aegu enam mäletab. Aga asume ilma pikema lobata kohe asja kallale.

Before Christmas I got two packages and one of them were from Palmolive, who sent me shower gel, shower scrub and hand washing foam. I haven't had that much experience with Palmolive. I think I have used some of their products when I was younger, but who remembers this anymore.

Duššigeel "So Sweet". Ütleks nii, et minu jaoks on see duššigeel nagu iga teine ja mingit suurt vaimustust see mulle just ei valmistanud. Duššigeel on rooibose, roosi ja mandli lõhnaga. Pudelist nuusutades hakkab ninna kõige rohkem meeldiv mandlilõhn, aga kui seda kasutada, siis on see oma lõhna poolest minu jaoks liialt vänge. Seda enam, et üldjuhul on mu pesuvahendid kõik võimalikult neutraalse lõhnaga. Seda kasutades ennast puhtaks pestud saab, aga ma ei ütleks, et see nüüd millegi poolest teistest samalaadsetest erineks. 

Shower Gel So Sweet. For me it't like any other you can find from stores, so I don't think that much of it. It has rooibos tea, rose and almond scnet. At first I felt almond and it's quite good, but then the other scnets appear and in my opinion they are too strong. Considering that usually I use the ones that are with really nautral or don't have any scent. By using it you can get youself clean, but I can't say that it's different than the others.

Kätepesuvaht "Magic Softness". See on neist kolmest ainuke, mis mulle vast kõige enam meeldis. See küll lubab käed pehmeks ja siidiseks teha, mida see küll ei tee. Aga seebi puhul ma isegi ei ootaks miskit sellist tulemust. Oma lõhna poolest on ta ka neist kolmest kõige mahedam. Kui pudelis on vedelik, siis välja tuleb ta vahuna, mis on väga positiivne, kuna sel viisil jätkub teda kauemaks. Ja peamiselt just vahu tõttu see mulle ka meeldib.

Hand washing foam Magic Softness. This is the one I like the most of these three. It promises to make hands soft and silky,  which it actually dosen't do, but that isn't something I hope to get from some soap. The main point is still getting your hand clean. And also it has smoother scent than the others. If you can see a liquid in the bottle, then it comes out as foam, which is really positive thing about it. And that kind f the reason I like that product.

Kehakoorja "Feel Glamourous". See toode sisaldab põldmarja, Bourboni vanilli ja draakonivilja lõhna, mistõttu see ka lõhnab hästi magusalt. Kuid minu arust on sellel kehakoorja jaoks liiga vähe ja väikeseded tükikesed seal sees, et see ka koorjana toimiks. Seega minu silmis on see pigem midagi duššigeeli laadset.

Shower Scrub Feel Glamourus. This product has blackperry, Bourbon vanilla and dragonfruit scent, so it smells really really sweet.  In my opinion it has too little and too small pieces into it to be a body scrub, because it just don't work as it. So  it seems to be more like a showe gel than a scrub.

See sari iseenesest on täiesti kasutatav, kuid minu arvates võiks panustada siiski rohkem toote omadustele kui selle lõhnale, mida on antud toodete puhul minu jaoks lihtsalt paraku liiga palju. Aga ei saa öelda, et see nüüd nii halb oleks, sest puhtaks ennast ju pestud saab, kuid vaja oleks seda mingit elementi, mis muudaks nad eriliseks. Näiteks seebiga on nad täitsa hästi õnnestunud, kuid teised annavad veel pisut soovida.

I can't say that this series is bad or anything, but it just don't stand out of the others. I think they should focus more on the quality than to the scent, because now it seems that their main foucus is to get the product smell good.  Soap was good, it's stands out because it a foam, so they should find that something for the other products as well.

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