

It's enough to have one really good friend to have amazing time

Juuli lõpus sai veeel üle pika aja Tallinna skorra käidud. Kui pikaks seda aega just nimetada saab, aga kuuajane vahe tundub justkui üsna pikk. Igatahes hommikul kohe läks mul jalats katki, seega kolasin veel pisut enne sõbrannaga kokku saamist poodides, et omale miskit uut jalga leida. Ja nii muuseas rändasid ka mõned riided ka minuga lõpuks kaasa, kuid nendest juba mõnes teises postituses.

Ma ei mäleta, millal oli viimane kord, kui ma loomaaias käisin, järelikul toli see ikka aastaid tagasi. aga igatahes sinna me suuna võtsime. Kuigi minu arust nende aastatega on asi seal justkui üsna lahjaks jäänud, kuid sellegi oli mul väga lõbus ja kõike tänus suurepärasele sõbrannale.

In the end of June I went to Tallinn after long time. Well actually you can't say that month is long time, but still if you take the fact how much you spend your time there on school time, then it seems long. Anyway in the morning right away my shoes decided to broke, so I spend some time shopping a little bit to find something new to wear. And then of course I bought some clothes as well. But about these in some other post. And after I find new shoes I went to meet with my friend, to spend some time together.

I don't remember the last time I visited Zoo, so I assume this were a years ago. But yes, we went to Zoo that day. I have to say that with years it looks somehow more abandoned. Maybe it was because of day, I don't know. But still I had really good time thanks to my amazing friend. 

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