Varem olen pisut jutustanud Amanda Hockingu ''Switched'' sarjast SIIN. Nüüd võtsin käsile tema teise seeria ''Kanin Chronicles'', mille esimeseks raamatuks on ''Frostfire''. Tegevus toimub endiselt samas Trylles, kuid hoopis teistest võtmest siis. Ehk siis kui tema eelmine seeria jälgis trolli elu nimega Wendy, kellest sai lõpuks ühe klanni kuninganna, siis selles seerias jälgib raamat ühe jälitaja elu ja käekäiku. Siinkohal oleks hea tuua näiteks ehk spinn-off sarjad. Näiteks ''Vampiiripäevikutes'' olnud originaalvampiirid said oma sarja. Siis siin võiks öelda, et jälitajad said oma raamatu ehk siis spin-off raamat, kui seda nii nimetada võib.
Earlier I have talked about Switched series by Amanda Hocking. You can see it HERE. Now I started reading Kanin Chronicles which is still in the Trylle world, but now the new series is about the trackers. The best thing to compare this book is the spin-off series. For example in The Vampire Diares originals got their own series. Then now trackers from Switched got their own book. Like a spin-off book then.
Earlier I have talked about Switched series by Amanda Hocking. You can see it HERE. Now I started reading Kanin Chronicles which is still in the Trylle world, but now the new series is about the trackers. The best thing to compare this book is the spin-off series. For example in The Vampire Diares originals got their own series. Then now trackers from Switched got their own book. Like a spin-off book then.
Jälitajad on siis tegelased, kes toovad vahetusse viidud lapsed koju tagasi, kui nad kindla elueani jõuavad. Raamatutesse on pisut kaasatud ka varasemaid tegelasi, kuid seda pigem tagaplaanil ja külalistena. Eelkõige on siiski raamat Bryn Avenist, kes on üks parimatest jälitajatest ja tema suurimaks sooviks on oma staatusega jõuda aste kõrgemale. Kuid arvestades fakti, et ta on segu kahest klannist, siis austuse võitmine ei ole kõige kergem. Aga asja teeb veel raskemas see, kui endine eliitvalvur Kostantin Black, kellesse ka Bryn kunagi armunud oli, hakkab Kanini vahetusse viidud lapsi jälitama plaaniga nad röövida. Ning samas tekib Brynil ka omamoodi suhe oma ülemusega, kuigi ta on omale kindla eesmärgi võtnud suhteid mitte luua, sest karjäär peab tema jaoks olema esiplaanil ning viimane on veel omakorda reeglite rikkumine.
Tracker are bringing back changelings, who has been switched on birth with human babies. An when they are on certain age they are brought back to trolls world. Also the book includes some characters from last series, but now they are like quest characters. Mainly the book is about Bryn Aven, who is one of the best trackers and she wants to reach up on her career, so one day she wants to be part of elite guardians. But it's hard to gain the respect for her, since she is half Kanin. And everything is going to be harder, when the former elite guard Konstantin Black, who she once loved, starts to steal Kanin changelings. Also Bryn is going to have some kind of forbbiden relationship with her boss. But since the carieer is most important for here, she won't let relationships get on her way.
Raamat on kaasahaarv ja olles eelnevalt ''Switched'' raamatuid lugenud, oli väga põnev jälgida ka jälitaja tegemisi. Ja kuigi mulle raamatu sisu peaaegu, et meeldis, siis oli loos liiga kiire edasiliikumine ehk siis järsku hüpati ühelt teemalt teisele, mis tundus osaliselt kuidagi kontekstist välja. Põhiliselt terve raamat on suunatud sellele, kuidas Bryn käsitleb olukorda Konstatiniga seoses laste röövimisega, siis loo lõpuks on hoopis üks kuninganna röövitud ja hakatakse seda uurima. Kuigi ma saan aru, et see oli sisse toodud, kuna Konstantin oli sinna kaasatud ja ka näitamaks, et Bryn on oma karjääriredelil ülespoole liikumas, siis siiski tundus see kuninganna osa kuidagi nii teine teema juba. Sarja edasi tahan ma endiselt lugeda, sest mulle meeldib Bryni kõrval tegelikult väga ka Konstantin ja ausaltöeldes praegu mind huvitab isegi rohkem, see mis Konstantinist sai, kui see, mis Bryniga edasi juhtuma hakkab.
Book is enthralling and since I have reat Switched as well, it was interesting to see the thing in point of the tracker as well. Mostly I liked the book, but in some point the story goes on too fast. When most of the book is about Bryn dealing getting up on her career and on her way facing with Konstantin. And the most of the story is built up on protecting the changelling, then in the end suddenly some other tribe's queen is missing and she goes there to investicate. Even though I understand, that was there beacuse of Konstantin's invlolvement and her step closer getting in higher position, But still the queen part seemed so off somehow. But I definitely want to read the other books too. And I also like Konstantins's character and I'm even more intrested what's going to happen with him than with Bryn.
Book is enthralling and since I have reat Switched as well, it was interesting to see the thing in point of the tracker as well. Mostly I liked the book, but in some point the story goes on too fast. When most of the book is about Bryn dealing getting up on her career and on her way facing with Konstantin. And the most of the story is built up on protecting the changelling, then in the end suddenly some other tribe's queen is missing and she goes there to investicate. Even though I understand, that was there beacuse of Konstantin's invlolvement and her step closer getting in higher position, But still the queen part seemed so off somehow. But I definitely want to read the other books too. And I also like Konstantins's character and I'm even more intrested what's going to happen with him than with Bryn.
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