

A little piece of autumn

On vist viimane aeg veel mõningad sügisesed pildid oktoobrist ära näidata, sest juba juba on õues õrn lumekiht maas ja värvilistest lehtedest pole ammu enam jälgegi. Detsember on töö poolest üsna tegus tulemas, kuid selle eest kooli asju jääb järjest vähemaks. Tõesti esimene semsester hakkab juba läbi saama. Aeg läheb ikka jube kiiresti.

I thinks it's to show you some autumn photos from October, because it's already pretty cold outside and there are even a little bit snow and the colorful autumn is already cone by now. My December will be full of work, but at least there aren't that much lectures in school anymore. Well, the first semester is almost over. Time goes fast.

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