

Sun was in the air

Avastasin, et mul on üks paras ports pilte unarusse jäänud. Ehk kui mul tookord oli kiiresti vaja mälukaart tühjaks saada, siis sai pildid kähku eraldi kausta pandud, et hiljem siis sorteerin ja sinna need jäidki, kuni mul täna need meenusid. Igatahes siin on vahelduseks siis osake neist piltidest. Ja piltide kõrvale üks imehea laul, mille kordunuppu ma vajutamast ei väsi.

Sia - Elastic Heart

I totally forgot that I had a lot of pictures from the end of the May in other folder. Well last time I was in hurry and needed to get more space to memory card, so I quickly put these to into other folder. And there I left these until today when I discovered that I have punch of photos, which I haven't even looked over. So for a change here are just some photos. And one good song, which replay button is working all the time.

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