

Movies I want to see in 2015

Sel aastal välja tulevate filmide valik tundub küllaltki kesine võrreldes eelmise aastaga. Kui eelmisel aastal pea iga teist trailerit nähes oli tunne, et tahaks pea kõiki näha. Siis sel aastal vaatad pool trailerit ära ja  on tunne ''ah ei, see ei ole ikka see''. Aga sellegi poolest on mõned mulle ikka silma jäänud. 

This year seems bit boring on the movies part. Whel last year with every second traier I was like "oh I definitely want to see tha!t, then now it's "no it's not that, and that either". But still I managed to mark some of them and here are the ones which caught my eye. 

1. The Age of Adaline
Blake Lively on olnud mu üks suur lemmik Gossip Girli ajast ja see film näib niisamagi väga paljulubav, seega fakt, et Blake mängib peaosa on nagu boonus.
Blake lively is been one of my favorites since Gossip Girl and this movie look amazing. So it'slike bonus that Blake is playing the main character. 
Tore lugu selle traileriga on see, et ma just mõtlesin, et Taylor Lautnerit pole ammu kuskil mängimas näinud ning siis ma nägin seda trailerit. Ja siis ma nägin lisaks veel Marie Avgeropoulost ja esimen mõte mis pähe tulu '' Ta on ju "100-st", mis on mu lemmik, see film lihtsalt peab hea olema." Ja eks see trailer tundub ka päris hea, nii et ootused on üles krutitud. 

Funny fact with this one is that I just thought that there haven't been any movie with Taylor Lautner for a long time and then I saw this trailer. And then I saw Marie Avgeropoulos in there as well and I was like ''Oh, she's from the 100,it's my favorite, so it must be good.''. And it looks pretty interesting, so hope the movie is too. 

3.The Longest Ride 
Tundub lihtsalt üks hea film, kuigi trailerit jäin ainult tänu sellele vaatama, et Banksi laul oli taustaks valitud ja Banks on alati hea. Aga film iseenesest meenutaks natuke nagu Letter To Julietti ja tegelikult ka Dear Johni, kui arvesse võtta, et nel kahel on sama autor. 

Seems good storyline, but I actually watched it because when I opened this one I heard Banks singing and well Banks songs are always good. But actually this movie reminds me a bit of Letters To Juliet and Actually Dear John as well, sinnce author is the same. 

See tundub kordades parem kui esimene, nii et ootan suure huviga.

This one seems much more better that the last one, so I really really wait this one. 

5. Fast and Furious 7
Need, kes ka varasemaid selliseid postitusi on näinud, ilmselt juba teavad minu nõrkust kiirete autodega filmide vastu, eriti just ''Kiirete ja vihaste'' vastu.

The one's who have read my other posts like this probably know my obsession about movies with fast cars, espeacially about Fast and Furious movies

Ja see ongi kõik, kui keegi oskab veel mingeid häid filme soovitada, mis sellel aastal välja tulevad?
Does anyone know some good movies coming up this year?

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