

365 days 50 books - 2 - Day 21

Eelmisel aastal lugesin ma läbi Kass Morgani raamatu '''100'' ning nüüd jaanuaris lõpetasin sarja teise raamatu ''21. päev''. Kuna pole teile siin esimesest raamatust miskit rääkinud, siis teen ka sellest pisut juttu. Ja raamatu avastasin ma täna samanimelisele sarjale, millest olen varem ka juba SIIN juttu teinud.

Last year I read Kass Morgan's ''The 100'' and now in January I finished second book ''Day 21''. Since I haven't talked about the first book either I will say few word of it as well. I discovered the books when I was watching The 100 TV series and I talked about it HERE as well.

Kes on sarja näinud, on looga juba pisut tuttav, kuid kes veel ei ole, siis sari räägib sajast kriminalist, kes elavad kosmoses ja nüüd nad saadetakse Maale, et kindlaks teha, kas seal saab jälle elada. Aastaid tagasi toimus tuumakatastroof, mille tõttu mõned inimesed põgenesid kosmosesse elama. Nad on elanud seal mitmeid põlvkondi ja nüüd on aeg tagasi Maale minna, sest nad ei saa seal igavesti elada - tuleb päev, mil neil ei ole enam piisavalt hapnikku. Esimene raamat räägib nende saabumisest ja enda sisse seadmisest Maal. Nad avastavad eri paiku ning peavad õppima üksteist tundma ja usaldama, et ellu jääda. 

Inimesed kosmoselaevades on alati arvanud, et keegi ei ole katastroofist saadik jalga maale tõstnud. Vähemalt nad uskusid seda, kuid selgub, et nad ei ole ainukesed, kes on kiirituse üle elanud. Mõned maal sündinutest aktsepteerivad taevainimsi ning mõned mitte. Keegi sureb, keegi jääb kadunuks ja nüüd peavad sada maale saabunut üritama klannide vahel rahu säilitada, sest peagi tulevad ka ülejäänud siia. Samal ajal õpivad nad ükstest paremini tundma ja mitte just üskteise kõige meeldivamaid külgi, seega kasvab ka pinge nende endi vahel. 

Who have seen a TV show, know the storyline, but who don't, then the book is about a 100 criminals who live in spaceships and know they are sent to Earth to test radiation levels. Years ago there were a nuclear apocalyps, so some of the people escaped to space, they lived there for some generations and now it's time to go back to Earth, because the they can't live up there forever. There will be a day when they don't have enough oxygen anymore. The first book is about them setteling there and getting to now Earth since they're never been there. They have to learn to trust each other and have to be tolerative to survive.

People in spacehips have always thought that no one have set a foot on Earth for hundreds of years. At least they belived it, but as it appears there are other people who survived radiation and have lived on the ground. Some of them accept skypeople, some of them not and this is all because of the past. Some of them die, some got missing and now the 100 have try to settle a peace between them, because soon the other will come to the ground.  But minewhile they learn things about each other so the tension between themselves will grow.

Ma ei mäleta, millal oli viimane kord, kui lugesin raamatu läbi paari päevaga. Ja nüüd ootan ma väga kolmandat. Minu arvates pole ehk esimene raamat nii kaasahaarav, sest teist raamatut oli mul ikka tunduvalt raskem käest panna, kui esimest. Ja jällegi, mulle meeldib, et raamat on kirjutaud mitme karakteri vaatepunktist, seega saab kursis olla ka laevas toimuvaga, mis teeb kogu loo veel huvitavamaks. 

Kuid kindlasti tahtsin ma ära mainida, et raamat ja sari on üksteisest täiesti erinevad. Jah loo algne sisu ja mõned karakterid on küll samad, kuid siiski on need küllaltki erinevad. Võib-olla oligi esimest raamatut raskem lugeda, kuna üritasin raamatut sarjaga samastada, umbes stiilis, et äkki on see karter raamatust see tegelane sarjas. Ja tahes tahtmata viib see sedasi mõtted mujale. Kuid teise raamatuga oled juba harjunud ideega, et need on erinevad. Seega kui sa pole sarja veel näinud ja tahad raamatud läbi lugeda, siis soovitaksin enne raamatud ära lugeda. 

Kuid sellegi poolest mulle meeldivad mõlemad, head on nii raamatud kui ka sari. Aga siiski pean tunnistama, et sari meeldib mulle pisut rohkem, kuna seal on tunduvalt rohkem pinget. Pealegi sarjade ja raamatute puhul olengi tähele pannud, et sari on parem kui raamat. 

I don't remember when were the last time I read some books that fast. Maybe the first one isn't as catchy as the second. Since I couldn't but the second book town until it was finished.  So now I really really wait for the third.  I love the fact that it's written in four charatcters view, so you also know what's going on in spaceships, which makes it more interesting.

But the main thing I wanted to bring out is that the book and the TV show are so different. While reading the first book I always tryed to match it with TV show, maybe that's the reason why it was harder to follow the first book. So if you want to read the book and haven't watched TV show yet, then read the book before. It was lot easier to red a second book, because I was used to the fact that it isn't same as the show.

But I love both of these, the book is really good, so is the TV show. But I admit that TV show I like little bit more, because it has bit more tension in the story. I have noticed thing about the books and TV show, that mostly TV show are better.

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