


Suur tahtmine on blogi ühele lugejale teha pisike jõulukink. Kuid kuidagi ei taha teha tüüpilist ilutoodete loosimist. Tahtsin välja nuputada miskit erilist ja no nuputasin, mis ma nuputasin ja jään oma esialgse plaani juurde. Taaskord on ühel lugejal võimalus võita endast joonistus. Et loosis osaleda veendu, et oleks klikkinud blogi paremal serval nuppu ''Join this site'' ning jäta kommentaaridesse oma nimi ja e-mail. Loos läheb lukku 24.detsembril.

I really want to make gift to my blog followers as well, but I don't want it to be typical beauty products giveaway. So I decided that onece again one of the followers can win a drawing or herself/himself. So if you feel that it's someting you like to win, be sure that you have joined my blog by clicking ''Join ths site'' button on the right sidebar and then leave a comment with your name and e-mail. It's opened internationally, so it don't matter where you currently live. Giveaway is ending on the 24th of December.

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