

Book of the month: Shiver trilogy

Selleks kuuks valisin viimati lõpetatud ''Värina'' seeria, mille on kirjutanud Maggie Stiefvater. Esimest raamatut mul endal pole, kuna kunagi ammu sai see raamatukogust võetud, kuid nüüd selle sarjaga jätkates, sai teised osad endale ostetud. Tegelikult tahtsin omale ka esimese raamatu osta, et kogu seeria olemas oleks, aga seda raamatut pole enam kuskilt lihtsalt saada. Nii et pean oma kahega leppima.

This month I chose ''Shiver'' by Maggie Stiefvater. I don't have first book, because I read it years ago and now I can't find it of any books stores. But few months ago I bought two other ones. 
Esimese raamatu peategelasteks on tüdruk nimega Grace, kes sai väiksena huntidelt hammustada ning nüüd on ta huntides huvitatud. Eriti ühest, kellel on kollased silmad ning teda ta näeb üsna tihti enda maja taguses metsas. Teiseks peategelaskes on Sam, kes suvisel ajal on oma inimkehas ning töötab raamatupoes ning armastab laule kirjutada ning lugeda, kuid külmal ajal on ta kollaste silmadega hunt, kes on Grace armunud, kuid julgeb ta läheduses olla vaid hundina. ''Värin'' on raamat suhtest Grace ja Sami vahel, kuid loomulikult tekib ka probleeme, kui võtta arvesse fakti, et poiss on libahunt ning mida vanemaks ta saab, seda vähem aega on tal inimesena, kuni lõpuks ei muutugi ta enam tagasi. Seega lisaks sellele, et Sam ja Grace end lõpuks leiavad, üritab Grace anda endast kõik, et Sam jääks temaga oma inimkehasse. 

First book is about girl named Grace, who got bitten by werewolf and now she is interested in wolves. Especially one, who has yellow eyes and he's spends most of his time in forest back at Grace's house. The wolf who is always there to look after Grace is boy names Sam, who is in love with her. But if he is in his human form, he isn't brave enough to actually talk to Grace, so he prefers to watch over her as wolf. It's love story between Sam and Grace. But what is a love story without problems. Here they stand with a problem that year by year Sam has less time to stay human until one day he will be wolf forever. So Grace try to give her best to find a way Sam to stay human.

Kunagi, kui esimest osa lugesin, siis ma olin sellest väga vaimustuses. Kuid nüüd olles lugenud läbi ka teised kaks osa, siis need on veel paremad. Kuna raamatusse lisandub veel tegelane nimega Cole ning ühtlasi on teistes kahes raamatus kirjutatud ka Isabeli vaatepunktist, kelle vend esimeses raamatus libahundiks muudeti ning kellest on aja jooksul Gracile hea sõber saanud. Seega lisaks Samile ja Gracile kirjutatkse ja Isabeli ja Cole vaatepunktist. Minu enda lemmik on kolmas raamat, mis kannab pealkirja ''Igavesti'', esiteks selle tõttu, et seal on tõesti palju põnevat, kuid samas on seal ka rohkem Colei vaatepunktist kirjas ning võib öelda, et Cole on üheks minu peamiseks lemmiktegelaseks. Kuigi kolmanda raaamtu lõpp jäi minu arust pisut poolikuks, siis on see raamat väga nauditav. Ning esimesest raamatust inspireeritult tegin ma kunagi ka oma esimese akrüülmaali. 

Years ago when I read the first book I was in love with this book.But now when I read two other books, then these are even better. Since there will be two more characters, from whose view you can read. New character will be guy named Cole, who was turned in werewolf by Sams father Beck and also you also books have some of Isabel's view, who also was in first books, but in time she will grow close to Grace. I really love last book of all these. Since Cole is my favorite character of these books and in third book you can hear more of him and also this take interesting turn. Only thing was that end of the whole series was left somehow unfinished for me. I expected like few more chapters. But still love this series. Back when I finished first book I was so inspired by that book, so I made my first acrylic painting about that.

Muide nüüd seda maali vaadates on silmad ikka nii valed kui olla saavad ja mina alguses ei saanud üldse kohe aru, mis tal viga on :D Aga muuta ma seda meelega ei hakka, siiski esimene arküülmaal ju. 

Now watching this painting I see that eyes are so so wrong and when I finished it I quite didn't get watch wrong with her face :D But I'm not going to change it now, since it's still my first acrylic painting. 

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