Minu juuksed on taaskord tavaliste poešampoonidega streikima hakanud. Mõned aastad tagasi ei tulnud šampoon mu juustest välja, nii et nad peale pesu jäid kleepuma. Siis nüüd mu juuksed ei kuiva lihtsalt ära. Vahet ei ole, kas ma käin paar tundi enne magamaminekut pead pesemas või viis tundi nad ei kuiva ikka ära ning hommikul ärgates on tunne nagu juuksed oleks jälle mustad. Seega lasin emal endale üle pika aja Amwayst šampooni ja palsami tellida. Ja juuksed on kohe hoopis teised. Pisut kallivõitu need šampoonid küll on, aga mu juuksed on seda väärt.
Šampoon lõhnab sarnaselt salongišampoonidele, mis mulle väga meeldib. Kui teiste šampoonidega ei kuivanud mu juuksed ära ning tundusid peale pesu ikka mustad, siis Satinique šampooniga on mu juuksed juba peale paari tundi kuivad ja puhtad ning juuksed püsivad puhtamana ka umbes päev kauem. Lisaks on juuksed siidised ja kerged, mis tähendab, et ma saan taaskord kanda hobusesaba ning seda kasvõi terve päeva, ilma et mu peanahk muutuks tundlikuks. Varem pidin enamjaolt krunniga leppima, kuna šampoon muutis juuksed veel raskemaks. Seega olen tootega ülimalt rahul ning see on toode, mille jaoks olen nõus ka rohkem raha kulutama. Ja muidugi meeldib mulle ka väga nende uus pudelite kujundus.
If few years ago I couldn't get shampoo out of my hair, so after washing hair, theys felt sticky. So I used some Amway shampoos for a change and I got everything under control again, so I went back using cheaper ones and everything was okay for few year. But now again seems like my hair don't like the ones which you can get from markets. My hair just won't dry. Don't matter if I wash my hair few hours before going to sleep or like five hours before, they still don't dry and if I wake up hair still feel bit wet and dirty. So I decided to use some Amway shampoo again.
And again I ordered myself Satinique shampoo and conditioner. They smells like most of the salon shampoos, which I really like. If my hair didn't dry with other shampoos, then with this they dry within few hours and my hair are clean in the next morning. Also they stay clean about day longer than usually. After using this šhampoo and contioner my hair feel silky and light. So I can wear ponytail again. Before I mostly had to wear a bun, since other shampoos left my hear heavy so my head was really sensitive after wearing ponytail for few hours, but no I can wear it a whole day and I still don't feel anything. So I'm really really pleased with the shampoo and also with a conditioner. So my hair are definitely worth it and I will continue using it, even though it's bit expensive. Oh and also I like the new look of the bottles as well.
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